
Tenure Track Faculty Positions in Biomedical Engineering

This is a crowdsourced repository of tenure track or equivalent opportunities in Biomedical Engineering or closely related fields. While this is meant to be a centralized resource for prospective candidates, it is no replacement for traditional job search platforms.

New positions can be added by google form or from the link embedded in the spreadsheet. For any questions, please check the FAQ below or contact bmejobslist@gmail.com.

Data Visualization

Data analysis inspired by Andrew Spaeth’s visualization work for the Chemistry Faculty Jobs List (Chemjobber). Model fit using a self-starting nls gompertz growth model in R-Stat. This section is an ongoing work-in-progress.

Real-time total and projected jobs by year

Job Specialities

Last updated 10/22/2023
Last updated 10/22/2023

Priority Due Dates


How do I submit a faculty position?

New positions can be added by google form or from the link embedded in the spreadsheet.

Who can submit a faculty position?

Anyone! Chairs and search committees are encouraged to add positions once an official ad is available, but the goal is for everyone in the community to contribute to the jobs list.

Can I add a faculty position that is approved but is not officially posted?

Unfortunately, no. Only positions with a formal posting on a department website, HR, or other job platform can be submitted. Submissions without a link to a job posting will be removed.

How do I add multiple positions from the same department?

Each entry on the jobs sheet is assumed to be one open position. So, for example, if there will be two hires from the same call, it should be entered on the sheet twice with a clarifying note in the Comments section.

Can I post a teaching position?

Assistant, Associate, or higher teaching professorships with a clear path to promotion and renewability can be posted. One year contract positions and lectureships are not within the scope of this board.

What is the timeline for the jobs list?

The jobs list opens on June 15th of each year and closes on May 31st of the following year (i.e. 6/15 - 5/31).

Who do I contact about an issue, correction, etc?

Please send any communications to bmejobslist@gmail.com.

Are there similar lists for other STEM fields?

All known faculty job lists are at the top of the google sheet. Send any new STEM job lists to bmejobslist@gmail.com and we will be happy to add it!